I am delighted to announce that the Marine Conservation Society is the other charity that I will be swimming around the Isle of Wight for. It means a huge amount to me, as I have spent most of my life, in and around water, and I hope that in future years, our children will also be able to enjoy the water in the way that I have and still do.
The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) is the UK charity dedicated to protecting our seas, shores and wildlife. In it, on it, under it or by it - however you love the sea, please support MCS and become part of the movement to save our seas. They work to reduce marine litter, protect wildlife and habitats and encourage people to only eat sustainable seafood to preserve our seas for generations to come.

It is great that this challenge is able to highlight the work that this charity does. Please click on the link below, to donate as much or as little as you can.